TRUE Process Solutions for the Food, Beverage, Personal Care & Pharmaceutical Industries
TRUE Process Solutions for the Food, Beverage, Personal Care & Pharmaceutical Industries
INFINI-MIX offers the widest range of INLINE mixing solutions in offering the full range of mixing intensities to get you the perfect mixing result.
Whether you want to maintain the highest level of product integrity while blending fruit into yogurt or nuts and inclusions into chocolate OR you want to quickly disperse, hydrate and homogenize gums and thickeners, INFINI-MIX is the only company offering this full range of INLINE mixing solutions.
All INLINE mixers come standard with a jacketed housing to temper the product as it moves through the mixer.
All mixers are capable of having multiple inlets for accepting many ingredient streams simultaneously.
The Ability to handle viscosities in excess of 10,000,000+ cps.